Our Process & Service Offerings

Each client’s portfolio is stored and administered on a secure centralised system.
A personal portfolio administrator is appointed to each client.

Administration Services

  • Portfolio administration

  • Implementation of new products

  • Maturities instruction on existing products

  • Switching between funds and administrators

  • Change of personal information when required

  • Tracking of all portfolio activities

  • Storage of Financial Needs Analysis documents

Personal Consulting

Consultation is conducted by an appointed FSB approved Financial Advisor. Each advisor, with their administrator, will attend to a limited number of clients. Clients can select the number of consultations required per year as part of the service agreement.

The set agenda we follow…

  • Portfolio administration

  • Implementation of new products

  • Maturities instruction on existing products

  • Switching between funds and administrators

  • Change of personal information when required

  • Tracking of all portfolio activities

  • Storage of Financial Needs Analysis documents

Will and Estate Planning

We offer comprehensive estate planning and support. This includes an estate analysis and the drafting of an executable will. We also offer free storage of wills as part of our holistic approach to financial planning. Adfinity also offer the structuring of trusts and maintenance thereof.

Personal Risk Management
As part of our portfolio management function, we offer a full Personal Risk Assessment.

Special attention is given to the following area

  • Portfolio administration

  • Implementation of new products

  • Maturities instruction on existing products

  • Switching between funds and administrators

  • Change of personal information when required

  • Tracking of all portfolio activities

  • Storage of Financial Needs Analysis documents

Investments & Savings Strategies

We help clearly identify investment goals and work towards a personalised investment strategy for the client and offer an in-depth due diligence on all product administrators and underlying Fund Managers.

Investment and saving goals include:

  • Education

  • Home

  • Vehicle

  • Vacation

  • Long-term savings

Retirement Planning

Special focus is placed on setting realistic and sustainable retirement goals and we actively manage solutions to optimise the client’s retirement lifestyle.

The following aspects are addressed:

  • Investment Strategy to beat inflation

  • Post Retirement Cash Flows

  • Sustainable Solutions for the family

Personal Tax Planning and Administration

In order to maximise the tax benefits of income and investment portfolios, we offer an integrated personal tax service, which includes:

  • Scanning and storing of all documents at our offices

  • Submitting tax returns via E-filing

  • Handling of all queries in relation to the tax return on behalf of the client

  • Offering personalised tax-efficient planning strategies

  • Tax consulting